+91 99618 55000 info@abaxishealthcare.com

Maintanance free peristaltic pump
Testing of Biochemistry, Coagulation & Turbidimetry Real time graph with online reading
High quality narrow band interference filters

Premium chemistry analyzer
Triple cuvette system
Maintenance-free peristaltic pump
Unique Electronic Calibration Card for ASO, RF, CRP & HbA1c Tests

Constant 200 test/hour with double reagent

Constant throughput of 240 photometric T/H
Large and Flexible capacity with upto 100 sample positions and upto 100 reagent positions (50 Fixed + 50 interchangeable)

Throughput of upto 40 samples per hour
9 pi sample volume for whole blood mode
20 parameters + 3 histograms
Additional 2 research parameters: NLR and PLR

Throughput of upto 70 samples per hour
9 µl sample volume for whole blood mode
21 Parameters including P-LCC and P- LCR

Whole blood mode, Capillary whole blood mode and Prediluted mode
Tri-angle Laser scatter + Chemical dye + Flow cytometry technology

Auto Hematology Analyzer with ESR
Great correlation with traditional Westergren method, this method performs better in quality traceability, repeatability, speed, safety, and level of automation

CLIA analyzer performs up to 180T/Hr.
15 Positions for Reagents
50 Sample positions
Ready to Use Wash Buffers

CLIA system that uses two important technologies, one labelling technology which determines the reaction mode, and the other is separation technology which determines sensitivity, accuracy & precision of the reagents.

Small but powerful, the throughput is upto 200 tests/hour, a throughput per unit area is 294T/h/m
abaxis Healthcare
Clinical results serve as the first hand information for the physician in diagnosis. Hence, it is critical to adopt test methods which are scientifically proven coupled with instruments having accuracy and precision for reliable results. It becomes essential for any instrument to have a proper after sales service for calibration and routine maintenance. We assure the products and services with a promise on quality and commitment.

A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him.
Mahatma Gandhi